Patagonia Outdoor Clothing
Well known for their quality, Patagonia outdoor gear will literally have your back on your next outdoor experience. Whether you climb, mountain bike, hike, or can’t stay out of the snow, find your new prized piece of clothing to wear on your adventures right here.
Slide into a pair of Patagonia hiking shorts and hit the trail! With multiple length options for men and women, these shorts are rugged and made for use in and out of the water. The river you have to cross on your favorite trail doesn’t stand a chance against the quick-drying, 100% recycled nylon that makes up these versatile shorts.
Perhaps you’re a snow bunny and need a warm, pullover sweater to combat the chill. Patagonia’s outdoor clothing has you covered, so the next time you’re hitting the slopes or enjoying the lodge’s fire, you’ll be cozy and stylish. You can also try pairing your favorite long-sleeve tee with a sweater vest for layered comfort and endless styling options.

Patagonia Clothes and Accessories For All Activities
Pair whatever your favorite activity is with a durable, moisture-resistant backpack or duffel to keep your essentials close. After all, you can’t go hiking without water and snacks or hit the beach without sunscreen!
Our collection of Patagonia tanks, shorts, shirts, hats, and more will answer all of your clothing needs. So before you make your next vacation plans, stock up on Patagonia outdoor clothing to see you through.
Questions? Let us know! We’re delighted to help you find the perfect piece of gear to complement your wardrobe and keep you comfortable during your many outdoor adventures.